Calling All Creative Minds: The Spark Factory Is Live!

As we navigate through the vibrant maze of imagination, it is often the little sparks, the whimsical thoughts, and unexpected moments that breed the most magical creations. We are on a mission to unravel the infinite dimensions of creativity housed in everyone.
If you’re a master maker, creative thinker, consummate tinkerer, or artist of any type or level — we want to know what inspires your creativity, whether it’s a prompt, place, or business (or something else entirely)! Let us know your thoughts via our quick survey, The Spark Factory.
take the spark factory surveyEvery question is optional, so whether you have a minute to jot down a couple of thoughts, or longer, we appreciate any and all insight you’re willing to share.
Your thoughts will be a valuable contribution to our upcoming endeavors, as we find and share ways to “light the spark” of creativity in others. Together we can unleash the full spectrum of our collective creative potential — because every muse is unique, every vision is unique, and every person is unique. We can’t wait to hear what makes your creative brain tick!